Kamis, 31 Januari 2008
Minggu, 20 Januari 2008
Senin, 14 Januari 2008
Visi dan Misi Club Jantung Sehat
Visi Club Jantung Sehat :
Turut menciptakan masyarakat Indonesia yang sehat
sejahtera bebas dari penyakit jantung dan pembuluh
Misi dan Kegiatan Club Jantung Sehat :
- Berbakti sosial :
Pemeriksaan gratis Sirkulasi Darah dengan alat
Microcirculation, Pemeriksaan Jantung dengan alat ECG
- Penyuluhan Jantung Sehat;
- Menyelanggarakan Senam Pagi dan Gerak Jalan ;
- Akan mengadakan kerja sama dengan Yayasan Jantung
Indonesia Cabang Jawa Timur dalam penyelenggaraan
Senam Pagi di Surabaya dan akan bekerja sama dengan
Depkes /lembaga2 sosial lainnya, turut mewujudkan
Indonesia sehat 2010
Misi Website Club Jantung Sehat :
Turut meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat dari bahaya
penyakit jantung dan upaya pencegahannya sejak dini
Catatan :
Club Jantung Sehat diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Full
Gospel Indonesia
Setiap hari Selasa dapat fasilitas dari P.T. Tasly
World Indonesia untuk mengadakan Senam Pagi dan
orientasi dengan members sehubungan dengan kesehatan
jantung di Jl. Raya Kerta Jaya Indah F-105 Surabaya
Contact Person : Bambang Wiyono
Tilp./Fax 031 2327 3886 HP: 081 2327 3886
e-mail : jantungsehat@yahoo.com
Turut menciptakan masyarakat Indonesia yang sehat
sejahtera bebas dari penyakit jantung dan pembuluh
Misi dan Kegiatan Club Jantung Sehat :
- Berbakti sosial :
Pemeriksaan gratis Sirkulasi Darah dengan alat
Microcirculation, Pemeriksaan Jantung dengan alat ECG
- Penyuluhan Jantung Sehat;
- Menyelanggarakan Senam Pagi dan Gerak Jalan ;
- Akan mengadakan kerja sama dengan Yayasan Jantung
Indonesia Cabang Jawa Timur dalam penyelenggaraan
Senam Pagi di Surabaya dan akan bekerja sama dengan
Depkes /lembaga2 sosial lainnya, turut mewujudkan
Indonesia sehat 2010
Misi Website Club Jantung Sehat :
Turut meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat dari bahaya
penyakit jantung dan upaya pencegahannya sejak dini
Catatan :
Club Jantung Sehat diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Full
Gospel Indonesia
Setiap hari Selasa dapat fasilitas dari P.T. Tasly
World Indonesia untuk mengadakan Senam Pagi dan
orientasi dengan members sehubungan dengan kesehatan
jantung di Jl. Raya Kerta Jaya Indah F-105 Surabaya
Contact Person : Bambang Wiyono
Tilp./Fax 031 2327 3886 HP: 081 2327 3886
e-mail : jantungsehat@yahoo.com
Selasa, 01 Januari 2008
Ditujukan Kepada Yth.:
1. Bapak / Ibu Pengurus Klub Klub Jantung Sehat
Yayasan Jantung Indonesia Cabang Utama Jawa Timur yang
berlokasi di Surabaya;
2. Bapak / Ibu Pengurus Panti2 Asuhan Lansia di
3. Bapak / Ibu Pengurus2 Bagian Diakonia Gereja2 di
Kami mengundang Anda dalam acara Pemeriksaan Kesehatan
Gratis : pemeriksaan sirkulasi darah dengan alat
Microcirculation ( tanpa diambil darahnya ) secara
visual dilayar monitor bisa diketahui peredaran /
sirkulasi mikro darah Anda, dilayani Dr. Xu Xin dari
Tienjin Tasly Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. RRC.
Tiap hari Selasa dan Jum’at jam 18:30 s/d 21:30 di
kantor Tasly World Indonesia Jl. Kerta Jaya Indah
F-105 Surabaya.
Hubungi kami di Tilp/Fax 031-3732850 atau HP 081 2327
Bambang Wiyono
Email : jantungsehat@yahoo.com
Website : http://clubjantungsehat.blogspot.com/
Ditujukan Kepada Yth.:
1. Bapak / Ibu Pengurus Klub Klub Jantung Sehat
Yayasan Jantung Indonesia Cabang Utama Jawa Timur yang
berlokasi di Surabaya;
2. Bapak / Ibu Pengurus Panti2 Asuhan Lansia di
3. Bapak / Ibu Pengurus2 Bagian Diakonia Gereja2 di
Kami mengundang Anda dalam acara Pemeriksaan Kesehatan
Gratis : pemeriksaan sirkulasi darah dengan alat
Microcirculation ( tanpa diambil darahnya ) secara
visual dilayar monitor bisa diketahui peredaran /
sirkulasi mikro darah Anda, dilayani Dr. Xu Xin dari
Tienjin Tasly Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. RRC.
Tiap hari Selasa dan Jum’at jam 18:30 s/d 21:30 di
kantor Tasly World Indonesia Jl. Kerta Jaya Indah
F-105 Surabaya.
Hubungi kami di Tilp/Fax 031-3732850 atau HP 081 2327
Bambang Wiyono
Email : jantungsehat@yahoo.com
Website : http://clubjantungsehat.blogspot.com/

Danshen by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Danshen is commonly used in China for the treatment of
atherosclerosis-related disorders such as
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Research
shows it also has immune enhancing properties. The
demonstration of beneficial effects of salvia
miltiorrhiza (DanShen) on ischemic diseases has
revolutionized the management of angina pectoris,
myocardial infarction or stroke in Chinese society.
Click on the links provided for natural ways to treat
these medical conditions. Experimental studies have
shown that Danshen dilated coronary arteries,
increased coronary blood flow, and scavenged free
radicals in ischemic diseases, so that it reduced the
cellular damage from ischemia and improved heart
functions. Clinical trials also indicated that Danshen
was an effective medicine for angina pectoris, MI, and
Danshen Chemistry
Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge and S. przewalskii
Maxium) has tanshinones and related terpenoids.
Subscribe to a FREE Supplement Research Update
newsletter. Twice a month we email you a brief
abstract of several new studies on various supplements
and natural medicine topics and their practical
interpretation by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Danshen Interactions
Warfarin (Coumadin)— Danshen can affect hemostasis in
several ways, including inhibition of platelet
aggregation, interference with the extrinsic blood
coagulation, antithrombin III-like activity, and
promotion of fibrinolytic activity. Single-dose and
steady-state studies in rats indicated that danshen
increased the absorption rate constants, AUCs, maximum
concentrations, and elimination half-lives, but
decreased the clearances and apparent volume of
distribution of both R- and S-warfarin. Consequently,
the anticoagulant response to warfarin was
exaggerated. Three cases have previously been
published reporting gross overanticoagulation and
bleeding complications when patients receiving chronic
warfarin therapy also took danshen.
Danshen Summary
A small number of studies suggest that danshen may
provide benefits for treating disorders of the heart
and blood vessels, including chest pain, heart
attacks, and ischemic stroke.
For a list of herbs used in Chinese medicine, see
Chinese Herbs.
Danshen Research Update
Fifteen tanshinone analogues isolated from the
chloroform extract of Danshen roots (Salviae
Miltiorrhizae Radix) by chromatographic procedures
were tested for their cytotoxic activities against KB,
Hela, Colo-205 and Hep-2 carcinoma cell lines. Several
of them were effective at concentrations below 1
micrograms/ml concentrations.
Water soluble extracts of the herbal plant, Salvia
miltiorrhiza (Danshen) exhibited potent effect against
HIV-1 integrase activity in vitro and viral
replication in vivo.
Immunomodulatory effects of Yun Zhi and Danshen
capsules in health subjects-a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.
Wong CK. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince
of Wales Hospital, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2004 Feb;4(2):201-11.
Immunostimulating polysaccharides extracted from the
Chinese medicinal plant Yun Zhi (Coriolus versicolor)
have been found to enhance various immunological
functions, and Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) to show
beneficial effects on the circulatory system. In the
present clinical study, we investigated if regular
consumption of Yun Zhi and Danshen capsules could
improve cellular immunity in healthy subjects. One
hundred healthy subjects were recruited to take Yun
Zhi (50 mg/kg body weight) plus Danshen (20 mg/kg body
weight) or placebo capsules daily for four successive
months and, after a 2-month wash-out period, crossover
to take placebo or Yun Zhi plus Danshen capsules for
four successive months. Flow cytometry was used to
assess the lymphocyte subtypes and concentration of T
helper (Th) cell cytokines in culture supernatant.
Gene expression of cytokines and cytokine receptors of
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was analyzed
by cDNA expression array. Results showed that regular
oral consumption of Yun Zhi-Danshen capsules could
significantly elevate PBMC gene expression of
interleukin (IL)-2 receptor, increase the percentage
and absolute counts of T helper cell and ratio of
CD4(+) (T helper)/CD8(+) (T suppressor and cytotoxic
T) cell, and significantly enhance the ex vivo
production of typical Th1 cytokine interferon-gamma
from PBMC activated by phytohemagglutinin and
lipopolysaccharide (all p<0.005). Such consumption had
no adverse effects on liver and renal functions, and
the biochemical bone profile. Therefore, regular
consumption of Yun Zhi and Danshen could be beneficial
for immunological functions by potential enhancement
of cell-mediated immunity in healthy subjects without
any adverse effects.
Passion Rx -- Sexual Pleasure Pills formulated by Ray
Sahelian, M.D. The potent herbal extracts herbs in
Passion Rx include Ashwagandha, Catuaba, Cnidium,
horny goat weed, maca, Muira Puama, passion flower,
Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat ali. One version of
Passion Rx has Yohimbe.
Avena Sativa
DMAE in Mind Power Rx
Erectile dysfunction solution
Female libido
Horny Goat Weed
Kava for stress
Maca for energy
Melatonin for sleep
Saw palmetto for frequency
Sex pill
Sexual Enhancement
Sexual Health information
Stevia as a sweetener
Prepared by :
Club Jantung Sehat
e-mail : jantung sehat@yahoo.com
Tilp/ Fax 031- 3732850 , HP 081 2327 3886
website : http://jantungsehat.blogspot.com
Contact Person : Bambang Wiyono

Danshen by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Danshen is commonly used in China for the treatment of
atherosclerosis-related disorders such as
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Research
shows it also has immune enhancing properties. The
demonstration of beneficial effects of salvia
miltiorrhiza (DanShen) on ischemic diseases has
revolutionized the management of angina pectoris,
myocardial infarction or stroke in Chinese society.
Click on the links provided for natural ways to treat
these medical conditions. Experimental studies have
shown that Danshen dilated coronary arteries,
increased coronary blood flow, and scavenged free
radicals in ischemic diseases, so that it reduced the
cellular damage from ischemia and improved heart
functions. Clinical trials also indicated that Danshen
was an effective medicine for angina pectoris, MI, and
Danshen Chemistry
Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge and S. przewalskii
Maxium) has tanshinones and related terpenoids.
Subscribe to a FREE Supplement Research Update
newsletter. Twice a month we email you a brief
abstract of several new studies on various supplements
and natural medicine topics and their practical
interpretation by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Danshen Interactions
Warfarin (Coumadin)— Danshen can affect hemostasis in
several ways, including inhibition of platelet
aggregation, interference with the extrinsic blood
coagulation, antithrombin III-like activity, and
promotion of fibrinolytic activity. Single-dose and
steady-state studies in rats indicated that danshen
increased the absorption rate constants, AUCs, maximum
concentrations, and elimination half-lives, but
decreased the clearances and apparent volume of
distribution of both R- and S-warfarin. Consequently,
the anticoagulant response to warfarin was
exaggerated. Three cases have previously been
published reporting gross overanticoagulation and
bleeding complications when patients receiving chronic
warfarin therapy also took danshen.
Danshen Summary
A small number of studies suggest that danshen may
provide benefits for treating disorders of the heart
and blood vessels, including chest pain, heart
attacks, and ischemic stroke.
For a list of herbs used in Chinese medicine, see
Chinese Herbs.
Danshen Research Update
Fifteen tanshinone analogues isolated from the
chloroform extract of Danshen roots (Salviae
Miltiorrhizae Radix) by chromatographic procedures
were tested for their cytotoxic activities against KB,
Hela, Colo-205 and Hep-2 carcinoma cell lines. Several
of them were effective at concentrations below 1
micrograms/ml concentrations.
Water soluble extracts of the herbal plant, Salvia
miltiorrhiza (Danshen) exhibited potent effect against
HIV-1 integrase activity in vitro and viral
replication in vivo.
Immunomodulatory effects of Yun Zhi and Danshen
capsules in health subjects-a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.
Wong CK. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince
of Wales Hospital, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2004 Feb;4(2):201-11.
Immunostimulating polysaccharides extracted from the
Chinese medicinal plant Yun Zhi (Coriolus versicolor)
have been found to enhance various immunological
functions, and Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) to show
beneficial effects on the circulatory system. In the
present clinical study, we investigated if regular
consumption of Yun Zhi and Danshen capsules could
improve cellular immunity in healthy subjects. One
hundred healthy subjects were recruited to take Yun
Zhi (50 mg/kg body weight) plus Danshen (20 mg/kg body
weight) or placebo capsules daily for four successive
months and, after a 2-month wash-out period, crossover
to take placebo or Yun Zhi plus Danshen capsules for
four successive months. Flow cytometry was used to
assess the lymphocyte subtypes and concentration of T
helper (Th) cell cytokines in culture supernatant.
Gene expression of cytokines and cytokine receptors of
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was analyzed
by cDNA expression array. Results showed that regular
oral consumption of Yun Zhi-Danshen capsules could
significantly elevate PBMC gene expression of
interleukin (IL)-2 receptor, increase the percentage
and absolute counts of T helper cell and ratio of
CD4(+) (T helper)/CD8(+) (T suppressor and cytotoxic
T) cell, and significantly enhance the ex vivo
production of typical Th1 cytokine interferon-gamma
from PBMC activated by phytohemagglutinin and
lipopolysaccharide (all p<0.005). Such consumption had
no adverse effects on liver and renal functions, and
the biochemical bone profile. Therefore, regular
consumption of Yun Zhi and Danshen could be beneficial
for immunological functions by potential enhancement
of cell-mediated immunity in healthy subjects without
any adverse effects.
Passion Rx -- Sexual Pleasure Pills formulated by Ray
Sahelian, M.D. The potent herbal extracts herbs in
Passion Rx include Ashwagandha, Catuaba, Cnidium,
horny goat weed, maca, Muira Puama, passion flower,
Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat ali. One version of
Passion Rx has Yohimbe.
Avena Sativa
DMAE in Mind Power Rx
Erectile dysfunction solution
Female libido
Horny Goat Weed
Kava for stress
Maca for energy
Melatonin for sleep
Saw palmetto for frequency
Sex pill
Sexual Enhancement
Sexual Health information
Stevia as a sweetener
Prepared by :
Club Jantung Sehat
e-mail : jantung sehat@yahoo.com
Tilp/ Fax 031- 3732850 , HP 081 2327 3886
website : http://jantungsehat.blogspot.com
Contact Person : Bambang Wiyono
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